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Teams explained

We recently released the teams functionality and in this article you will understand how it works.

Bubbles avatar
Written by Bubbles
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is a team at TryHackMe?

Team is a group of users that connect to perform team-oriented rooms together and conquer points as a team. Currently, they are mostly used in CTF events and by being part of a team and joining one of these rooms, there are some different logics on how the scoreboard behave. We will explain it below.

Who can create a team?

Any user can create teams.

How to create a team?

To create a team, you need to go to your manage account > teams tab and click in create a team as the image below:

  • Users can only be part of one team at the time

  • There is not a max. limit for users in a team

  • Only Team Owner can remove other users from a team

  • Any user can leave a team at any moment

  • If the Team Owner leaves, ownership is randomly assigned to another team member

How to invite other users to the team?

Once you have set up the teams in your Manage account section, you can easily invite other members. To do this, click on the Invite Members button, which will allow you to see the share link. Alternatively, you can use the same link located at the bottom of the Users List. This link can be shared with potential team members, making it simple for them to join your team.

What is a team-based room?

By creating a room, under the General Settings tab, it's possible to enable a normal room to become a team-based room, as the image below:

By creating a team-based room:

  • Users that do not belong to a team will still be able to join and complete the room, but the scores won't be visible in the room leaderboard.

Important: We strongly recommend not changing a room from solo to team-based after users have already answered questions.

While in a competition

  • If one team member reset the progress, all the team members will have the progress reset

    • Points earned won't change after the reset progress

  • When a user in a team answers a question, the page gets updated and the previous or current questions answered from other team members get updated and visible to this user

  • If a user joins a room and is part of a team, other team members still need to join the room

  • If a user leaves a room and is part of a team, other team members still stay in the room

  • Solo user joining team-based rooms can make the questions, complete the room and see the team-based scores, but their accomplishments won't appear in the scoreboard and chart.

    • Points earned as solo user gets to the personal account as any other room (if the room is public only.)

Tie breaks

The team that completes the final challenge/task first (regardless of the order of the challenges) wins.


Team A and B are in a tie, with both 240 points. The challenge has 3 tasks.

Team A completed 1º task at 2pm, 2º task at 3pm (last challenge to be completed), 3º task at 2:30 pm.

Team B completed 1º task at 1:50pm, 2º task at 2:30, 3º task at 2:55pm (last challenge to be completed.

Since team B completed the last remaining task 5 min sooner, it's the winner.

Important: It's strongly recommended not to change points system after users already answered questions.


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