Rooms Overview
Rooms are virtual spaces where you can assign tasks to users. You can create rooms for various purposes, such as challenges (CTFs), workshops, or training sessions.
Materials (such as virtual machines or downloadable files) are linked to tasks, not entire rooms. This means:
A single room can contain multiple tasks, each with its own virtual machine or downloadable file.
However, each task can have only one attached file or virtual machine.
Toggling the developer options
Before you can start creating a room, you need to enable developer options. Click on the Other tab, then select Develop Rooms:
Toggle the Room developer options:
You should now have the Develop tab on your page:
How to Start Allocating Tasks to Users
Steps to Create and Manage a Room:
1. Create a Room.
2. Upload Material - You can upload your own virtual machines (VMs) or files, or use the ones provided.
3. Access Your Room - Go to the Manage Rooms page and click on the room you just created.
4. Add Tasks - Navigate to the Tasks tab to create room tasks. This is where you attach your uploaded VMs or files.
5. Share the Room - When managing a room, you will see a blue Share Room button at the top right of the page. Click it to generate a shareable link and invite users to your room.