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Room creation overview

Creating your own high quality rooms on TryHackMe

Blackout avatar
Written by Blackout
Updated over a week ago


Rooms are virtual spaces where you can easily allocate tasks to users. You can create rooms for challenges (CTFs) to run a particular workshop or training session.

Material (Virtual machines or downloadable material) are linked to a task rather than a room. This means you can have several virtual machines or downloads for a single room. However, this also means you can only attach one file or virtual machine to a task.

Toggling the developer options

Before you can start creating a room; you will need to toggle the developer options. Click on the "Other" tab, then "Develop Rooms:

Toggle the "Room developer options":

You should now have the "develop" tab on your page:

The process to start allocating tasks to users is below:

  1. Create a room

  2. Upload material (VMs or other files), or use the ones we provide.

  3. Go to the manage room page and click on your newly created room

  4. Click the "Tasks" tab and create room tasks; this is where you include your uploads (VMs or files).

  5. When managing a room, there is a blue "Share Room" button at the top right of the page; click this to get a link to share with your users to invite them to your room.

You can start creating your first room now that you're all set.

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